Current status of tree cover in Ecuador and its natural regions. Opportunities for improving conservation programmes
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This study examines the dynamics of tree cover in Ecuador and its natural regions over the period 2000-2022, providing a detailed assessment of the current state of forests in the country. Using the Hansen Global Forest Watch dataset and Google Earth Engine analysis, key trends in tree cover loss and gain were identified. The results revealed that Ecuador had 20 097 656 ha of tree cover in 2000 and 19 154 923 ha in 2022, with a net loss of 942,733 ha during the study period, with a gain of 217,000 ha up to 2012. The years 2012 and 2017 were identified as the years of greatest tree cover loss. The country's natural regions also showed significant variations in tree cover loss and gain trends. Amazonia stands out as the region with the highest loss, while the tropical dry forest and páramo showed comparatively lower losses. This study underlines the need for more effective and region-specific conservation policies, especially in critical areas of high biodiversity and ecosystem services. It also emphasises the importance of more accurate monitoring and the inclusion of land use variables for a more complete understanding of forest dynamics in Ecuador.
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