The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on University Student Life

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Leydi Cruz Ulloa
Luis Daniel Ruiz Rojas


Introduction: The study examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on university education. Its objective is to explore the benefits and challenges of its implementation. Objective: To thoroughly analyze the effects of artificial intelligence on higher education. Methodology: A methodology involving literature review, empirical data collection, and careful analysis is employed. Results and Discussion: Artificial intelligence offers opportunities to personalize learning and enhance feedback, but poses ethical and social challenges. Conclusions: If the challenges are addressed, artificial intelligence can improve educational quality. The importance of considering ethical and pedagogical aspects in its implementation is emphasized. In summary, the study provides a balanced view of the impact of artificial intelligence on university education, aiming to facilitate informed and responsible decision-making in this constantly evolving field. Keywords: Education, Artificial Intelligence, University


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How to Cite
Cruz Ulloa, L., & Ruiz Rojas, L. D. . (2024). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on University Student Life. INVESTIGATIO, (22).


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