Impact of the implementation of accounting strategies on software metrics in the continuous improvement process of software quality within organizations dedicated to software development

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Chap Kau Kwan Chung
Miguel Ángel Alegre Brítez


The study adopted a qualitative approach to explore how specific accounting strategies affect software metrics in the context of continuous software quality improvement in software development organizations. A non-experimental cross-sectional design and documentary modality was used to analyze data collected at a single moment, which offers a detailed snapshot of the current situation without manipulation. It relied on analysis of existing documents to synthesize previous research and understand current trends. Nineteen relevant articles were identified between 2018 and 2023, which allowed us to capture a comprehensive view of accounting strategies in software development and their impact on software metrics and quality. The results were presented in tables structured according to the objectives of the study, with detailed analyzes and contrasts with the established theoretical framework. The importance of integrating advanced accounting practices into software project management was highlighted to improve efficiency in resource use, accuracy of metrics, and customer satisfaction. It is recommended to integrate accounting strategies into all phases of the project, provide ongoing training on accounting tools and practices, and focus on improving customer satisfaction and value delivery. Future research is proposed that explores case studies in various industries, analyzes the impact of technological innovations on accounting practices, and examines the relationship between accounting practices and agile development methodologies to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in the development of software.


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How to Cite
Kwan Chung, C. K., & Alegre Brítez, M. Ángel. (2024). Impact of the implementation of accounting strategies on software metrics in the continuous improvement process of software quality within organizations dedicated to software development. INVESTIGATIO, (22).


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