Organizational Justice and its Incidence on Labor Satisfaction of Canton Bolivar’s Public Institution’s Personnel

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Gema Pamela Zambrano Álvarez
Edison Jair Duque Oliva


The objective of this study is to determine how Organizational Justice affects Labor Satisfaction of personnel that works in canton Bolivar’s Public Institutions in Ecuador. Through survey monkey, a questionnaire was applied that was individually answered by a sample of 286 people working in different areas of four public entities of canton Bolívar, using Colquitt’s Organizational Justice scales and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionary. Results indicated that there is a clear relationship between what people perceive as fair and unfair and the satisfaction they perceive about their work within canton Bolívar’s public institutions.


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How to Cite
Zambrano Álvarez, G. P. ., & Duque Oliva, E. J. (2020). Organizational Justice and its Incidence on Labor Satisfaction of Canton Bolivar’s Public Institution’s Personnel. INVESTIGATIO, (13), 1–12.
Author Biography

Gema Pamela Zambrano Álvarez, Universidad Espíritu Santo, Escuela de Negocios, Samborondón, Ecuador.

Magister en Dirección del Talento Humano, Ingeniera Comercial, Ingeniera en Auditoría y CPA.


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