Eccentric Training for the prevention of Hamstrings Injuries in Soccer Players. Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical Trials.

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Viviana Cisneros Islas


     Hamstring injuries (LI) are common in sports that involve high-speed efforts. It has been postulated that eccentric training (EE) could be useful to prevent these injuries but there are discrepancies in the studies conducted so far. Thus, a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials was conducted to determine the effectiveness of EE to prevent LI in soccer players. Of 39 records, 5 were included in the final analysis. The risk of bias of these was medium or low. In four of five studies, a reduction in the incidence of LI was demonstrated. By meta-analysis, the risk ratio for LI was 0.43 [0.24-0.76; p = 0.002]. In conclusion, the use of EE during the preseason decreases the risk of LI in both amateur and professional football players by 57%.


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How to Cite
Cisneros Islas, V., Vázquez Negrete, A. ., & Martínez Flores, I. . (2022). Eccentric Training for the prevention of Hamstrings Injuries in Soccer Players. Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical Trials. INVESTIGATIO, (18).


eccentric exercises; hamstring injuries; meta-analysis; prevention; soccer players; systematic review .