Determination of Total Coliforms and Escheichia Coli in the Estuary Chulluype of the Canton Santa Elena, Province of Santa Elena

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Ariana Plúas Chiquito
Mireya Pozo-Cajas
Henry Carreño-Rosario
Olga Arévalo-Castro


At the present time, one of the main life means is being altered; this is due mainly to humans, whose productive daily activities generate bacteria that alter physical and chemical water conditions. The present work´s aim was to ascertain the total coliforms and Escherichia coli concentration in the Chulluype estuary, in the province of Santa Elena. Five sample were randomly collected in different estuary points. The microorganism concentration levels were ascertained; results were then compared with the maximum permissible limits established in the Ministry of Environment´s annex 1 of Book VI of Secondary Legislation Unified Text (TULSMA according to Spanish initials). Maximum total coliform values of 4x107 NMP / mL were obtained; these exceeded permissible limits. Values of 2x102 CFU / mL were obtained in relation to E. coli and these did not exceed permissible limits. A phytoremediation was finally proposed in order to recover natural conditions.


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How to Cite
Plúas Chiquito, A., Pozo-Cajas, M., LAJONES TAPIA, C., Carreño-Rosario, H., & Arévalo-Castro, O. (2020). Determination of Total Coliforms and Escheichia Coli in the Estuary Chulluype of the Canton Santa Elena, Province of Santa Elena. INVESTIGATIO, (14), 61–70.


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