COVID-19 Chloroquine and/or Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis?

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Searching the Pubmed, HINARI and Scielo meta-searches with the terms "prophylaxis" "Hydroxychloroquine" and "COVID-19" linked by the Boolean operator AND, the terms  Chloroquine" "prophylaxis" and "COVID-19", linked by the Boolean operator AND, were also used. The
search for the term "Hydroxychloroquine" yielded no results, while the search for the term "Chloroquine" yielded 2 publications in Hinari, of
which 1 was discarded for not mentioning the use of chloroquine (or hydroxychloroquine) as a therapeutic alternative. With respect to use as
prophylaxis to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection with CQ or HCQ, we have no evidence to extrapolate or even recommend a scheme for such purposes.


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Silva Rojas, G. A., Espin Bayona , D. A. ., Espin Bayona, C. A. ., Farfan Cano, H. R., Farfan Cano, G. G., & Silva Rojas, K. J. (2020). COVID-19 Chloroquine and/or Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis?. INVESTIGATIO, (15), 1–10.


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