Growth of the Land Crab Cardisoma Guanhumi in Puerto Rico

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Concepcion Rodriguez Fourquet


     The land crabs’ integument release process during molting represents a moment of vulnerability due to the desiccation risk and the lack of water availability for the molting.  The aim of this study is to ascertain Cardisoma guanhumi growth increase.  A marking-recapture study was conducted to estimate crab growth.  The study was carried out in six Puerto Rico locations.  It was found that growth increment is 8.7%, which is larger than previously reported; this increment varies among study sites.  Forests with higher vegetation coverage and lower edge density favor a larger growth increment. Crab´s habitat conservation is essential for the species´ survival.


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Rodriguez Fourquet, C. (2020). Growth of the Land Crab Cardisoma Guanhumi in Puerto Rico. INVESTIGATIO, (14), 38–45.


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