Prevalence of Respiratory Diseases and Epidemiological Behavior of COVID-19 in Patients of "Centro Histórico" Health Center, March-May 2020 Period

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David Alejandro Haro Esparza
Alex Daniel Aldás Ibujes
Andrea Elizabeth Santana Alarcón
Erick Alexander Torres Constante
Luisa Romelia Aranha Reyes
Lorena Maximina Gómez Albán
Lilián Rebeca Calderón Layedra


The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory diseases and the epidemiological behavior of Covid-19 in patients of "Centro Histórico" Health Center, March-May 2020 period. The registry of 1836 patients with respiratory symptoms were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed with measures of central tendency, and absolute and relative frequencies. The results indicated that the prevalent age range was 18 to 40 years with 707 (38.5%) cases. Upper respiratory diseases were the most prevalent with 1617 (88.1%) cases. We found 91 (4,9%) cases of Covid-19, unidentified virus, 36 (39,5%) of them were 60 years or older. There were 48 (2.6%) patients under follow-up for suspected Covid-19, their most frequent symptoms were cough (60.4%) and fever (37.5%); and, arterial hypertension with 4 (33.3%) cases, was the most prevalent comorbidity. More studies are required at the first level of care.


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How to Cite
Haro Esparza, D. A., Aldás Ibujes, A. D., Santana Alarcón, A. E., Torres Constante, E. A., Aranha Reyes, L. R., Gómez Albán, L. M., & Calderón Layedra, L. R. (2020). Prevalence of Respiratory Diseases and Epidemiological Behavior of COVID-19 in Patients of "Centro Histórico" Health Center, March-May 2020 Period. INVESTIGATIO, (15), 25–36.


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