Engagement y su relación con la adicción al trabajo

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Richard Valenzuela Mendieta
Verónica Villegas Collaguazo


Summary: Introduction: Organizations are constantly changing to adapt to current working conditions, which has generated the need to generate and increase the commitment of workers towards them, however, an excess of commitment could also generate a negative effect as is work addiction. Objective: Therefore, the present study aims to determine the possible relationship between Engagement and workaholism within the Ecuadorian context. Methods: To carry out the study, the UWES and DUWAS questionnaires were applied to a total of 115 participants. Results: Among the main results obtained, it is observed that men have a higher probability of generating work addiction with a P. Value < 0.05 with an OR = 3.085 compared to women. Also, a significant association is observed between engagement and workaholism Chi2 < 0.05. Conclusions: Through these data, it is sought to visualize a problem that has been the subject of debate for years and, in turn, provide tools to Human Resources departments to improve working conditions for the Ecuadorian population.


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Valenzuela Mendieta, R., & Villegas Collaguazo, V. (2023). Engagement y su relación con la adicción al trabajo. INVESTIGATIO, 1(20). https://doi.org/10.31095/investigatio.2023.20.1


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