Mangrove Conservation Policies in the Gulf of Guayaquil

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Daniel Ortega-Pacheco
María José Mendoza
Paúl Herrera
Montserrat Albán


During the last decade, the Ecuadorian government has designed and implemented a set of policies to improve mangrove forests conditions and their ability to provide ecosystem services. The present work aims to identify and explain current policies related to mangrove conservation in the Gulf of Guayaquil, which is a coastal region hosting more than 70% of Ecuador´s mangroves. The main assumption underlying this effort is the notion that mangrove conservation might be critically linked to subjective measures; these measures would better the welfare for populations that live in this ecosystem and depend on it. Based on the evidence of recent studies an institutional economic analysis was conducted; this analysis used the Situation, Structure and Performance framework. Results support the original assumption. Challenges were also identified for the continuity of current policies and new urgent needs for future research.


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Ortega-Pacheco, D., Mendoza, M. J., Herrera, P., & Albán, M. (2020). Mangrove Conservation Policies in the Gulf of Guayaquil. INVESTIGATIO, (14), 12–26.


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