Comparative analysis of the social security healthcare system in Scandinavian countries and Ecuador
Contenido principal del artículo
The main objective of this article is to compare the social security health system in Scandinavian countries and Ecuador. The research methodology which was followed vas the qualitative - descriptive type. As a tool for data recollection, semi-structured interviews viere used, and the samples chosen were several patients as well as administrative staff from two private clinics that have a written contract with the Ecuatorian Institute of Social Security (IESS). Its strategies, type of coverage and changes made were determined by answering the questions stated in this article. The research aims to determine the plans and changes applied in the Scandinavian countries and comparing them with the current Ecuatorian system changes. Among the most important findings is that the Ecuatorian system fails to standardize their services in all centers because of the lack of the key components for its operation purposes.
Detalles del artículo

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