About the Journal
Focus and Scope
PODIUM is focused on the Social Sciences, especially in the lines of Education, Management and Business (Strategy, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting and Leadership) and Family Businesses and Innovation. It seeks to promote and participate in research and internationalization of the cognition that characterizes a Society of Knowledge. Articles may be postulated through our OJS platform, at any time during the entire year.
PODIUM does not charge authors for sending in articles or for processing them (Article Processing Charge-APC). PODIUM is an open-access publication; content is available at no charge through its web site. https://revistas.uees.edu.ec/index.php/Podium/index.
In order to reinforce our open access policy, PODIUM journal is published under a license named “Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC 4.0)”. This license allows sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any means or format) and adapting (re-mixing, transforming, and creating starting from the material). Corresponding credits must be given and no commercial use of the materials is allowed.
Section policies
Scientific articles: Text selection is ample and varied with no fewer than 20 references; it results from scientific research that analyzes local, regional, national, and international subjects. Text structure includes six sections, to wit: Introduction, Literature revision, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, and References.
Article Revision: Article revision includes bibliographic text revision with no fewer than 50 references. The structure includes five sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion, Conclusions, and References.
Reviewer Policies
PODIUM requires reviewers to have a post-graduate level (MA or PhD). Reviewers may be teachers, researchers and/or experts on their publication lines, within the Social Science area. Every reviewer must generate his own username in the OJS platform, where contact and affiliation data must be registered. Reviewers must handle the management of the assigned revisions exclusively in PODIUM journal´s OJS platform.
PODIUM reviewers will adhere to the following policies:
- Articles for evaluation will be assigned according to the areas of interest that are reflected in their curriculum vitae.
- Reviewers must decline reviewing invitation as soon as possible, whether they lack time or they feel that the article does not fit their area of interest. This will allow other reviewers to be invited.
- A warning will be registered in the reviewer´s profile, if the reviewing deadline is over and the reviewers have not declined to review.
- If the reviewing deadline is over for a second time, and no declination has been received, the reviewer´s name will be eliminated from the reviewers´ list.
Peer evaluation process
Article rejection: PODIUM may reject article postulation if it ascertains that: a) The article does not contribute to PODIUM´s reach and focus, b) the article does not fulfill authors´ requirements, c) the article has already been published in full or partially, or d) Ithenticate from Turnitin which is specialized software has detected similarities or agreement with Internet sources.
Evaluation process: After postulated articles have passed the first editorial revision, they will be subject to a double-blind evaluation; this evaluation will be carried out through the OJS platform, by at least two outside evaluators, who must not belong to the Editorial Council. The evaluators will lean on an evaluation rubric that will consider three revision areas, wit: Communication, critical thinking, and content. Additionally, recommendations to authors will be ascertained. Official communication will be sent to authors through the OJS platform concerning article publication. After peer-revision, it may be decided that the article can either be “published with changes”, or that it may “published as is”. The decision to reject an article is entirely up to the editors. Rejection may be due to observations made by peers in the course of evaluation; it may also be due to non-compliance with some of the points mentioned under the heading “Article Rejection”. If an author wishes to rewrite his/her article and after rewriting have it go through the evaluation process again, the editors will then advise the author how long he must wait for a new evaluation.
Confidentiality: Personal data of both authors and reviewers as well as results and details of the evaluation process will be kept secret by PODIUM. Results and details of the evaluation process will only be made available to the parties that are directly concerted (i.e. authors, evaluators, editors).
Evaluation time: The time that will elapse during the evaluation will depend on several factors, one of them being the evaluators’ availability and the time for the author´s corrections. If minor corrections are required, authors will have two weeks to deliver them once observations are delivered to them. If corrections require substantial structural changes, authors will have four weeks to deliver the corrected article.
In case no answer is received to the works remittance within two weeks, the author has to redirect the document to podium@uees.edu.ec
Publication Frequency
PODIUM is bi-annual and is published every June and December.
Open Access Policy
PODIUM does not charge authors for sending articles in or for processing them (Article Processing Charge-APC). Publication is open-access and free of charge. Contents are available at no charge through its web site: https://revistas.uees.edu.ec/index.php/Podium/index.
In order to reinforce our open-access policy, PODIUM is published under a license from Creative Commons — Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC 4.0) This permits sharing (copying and redistributing material in any medium and in any format) and adapting (remixing, transforming, and creating, starting from the material) providing credits are given and there is no commercial use of the materials.
It is PODIUM´s policy to update its web site and all versions of the operating system where the journal finds its self.
PODIUM is indexed in SCIELO Ecuador, regional on-line information system for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal (Latindex 2.0), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR for its Spanish initials), CIRC, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD), in DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB), and Dialnet. Also, it is member of Crossref.
Publication ethics
PODIUM adheres to good practices for promoting integrity in publication and research as stipulated by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in https://publicationethics.org/.
Policies of Editorial Ethics
- PODIUM has full authority to reject or accept articles and responsibility for doing it within the times established in the review process.
- PODIUM has no conflicts of interest concerning rejected or accepted articles.
- PODIUM promotes correction and publication when errors are found.
- PODIUM preserves evaluator anonymity and agrees not to disclose information regarding articles submitted for publication to others who are not part of the review process.
Evaluators’ ethical policies
- Evaluators apply an objective, constructive, and honest policy to article evaluation.
- There are no conflicts of interest concerning research authors or research investors.
- Articles designated for evaluation are confidentially handled.
- Respect the times established for the article evaluation process. If upon receiving the invitation to review, due to lack of time or if you consider that the article does not correspond to your area of interest, you should decline the invitation as soon as possible, in order to invite another reviewer.
Policies of author ethics
- Authors sign and present the declaration of originality and rights, in which you certify that you have the informed consent of the research participants (in the case of scientific articles), you have respected the ethical principles, and there are no conflicts of interest.
- Data authenticity in the proposed articles is guaranteed, and that it is not under evaluation or approval for publication in other journals.
- Authors are expected to take an active part in the peer evaluation process.
- They have made a significant contribution to research.
- Authors are expected to provide error correction.
Sources of Support
Journal History
PODIUM is focused on the Social Sciences, especially in the lines of Education, Management and Business (Strategy, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, and Leadership) and Family Businesses and Innovation. It has been published in print since 2004 and online since 2014. Its purpose is to offer readers articles that have important academic content as well as high scientific rigor that will generate profound thinking and discussion in the academic and in the scientific communities and amongst leaders of public opinion, university officials, and graduate students. Such discussion will center on local, regional, national, and international subjects. PODIUM respects authors’ freedom of thought and emphasizes respectful debate that is academically supported and subject to the pertinent methodology.