We inform you that the call to submit scientific or review articles for the 44th edition (December) is open. PODIUM Magazine with e-ISSN: 2588-0969, is a scientific journal whose scope of the publication covers the Social Sciences, particularly in the lines of Education, Management and Business (Strategy, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, and Leadership) , and Family Business and Innovation.

PODIUM is bi-annual, with publications in June and December. It is indexed in SCIELO Ecuador, the Regional Online Information System of Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal; Latindex Catalog 2.0; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, in the Information Matrix for Journal Analysis (MIAR), CIRC, in BASE (from the English acronym Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), in Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD), in DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, in the Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (REDIB), Dialnet and in ERIHPLUS. In addition, he is a member of Crossref.

To review our magazine you can enter the following links:

PODIUM Magazine:


User registration (author and/or reviewer):


Author Guidelines:


Do not forget to submit your article through our portal, maintaining the anonymity of the authors and complying with the guidelines and policies of the section.

Section Policies

Scientific articles: A wide and varied selection of texts product of scientific research with no less than 20 references, where local, regional, national and international issues are analyzed. Its structure includes six sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, and References.

Review articles: Includes bibliographic review texts with no less than 50 references. Its structure includes six sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References.

Thank you for your attention, and if you have any doubts, I am here to answer them.

Ma. Elizabeth Arteaga García
