Developing 21st-century skills through PBL in a public university

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Laura Iliana Mariscal Touzard
Martha Amelia Castillo Noriega
Luis Humberto Bermudes Rugel


This study aimed to examine the beliefs of students in a public university about the benefits of problem-based learning (PBL) projects in developing 21st-century skills in the EFL classroom. A mixed methodology was applied to a sample of 62 A2 level students in a public university who worked on small PBL projects during the semester, with the teacher as a facilitator. The study aimed to analyze the effects of PBL on students’ process and learning outcomes, specifically in terms of attitudes towards collaborative and critical learning in problem-solving. Data was collected through direct observations, surveys, open-ended questionnaires, and semi-structured personal interviews. The study concluded that PBL projects have a positive impact on the process and learning outcomes of students.


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How to Cite
Mariscal Touzard , L. I. ., Castillo Noriega , M. A. ., & Bermudes Rugel, L. H. (2023). Developing 21st-century skills through PBL in a public university. PODIUM, (43), 111–128.
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Laura Iliana Mariscal Touzard , ESPOL

Master of TEFL, ESPOL. Docente-investigador, ESPOL - Ecuador.

Martha Amelia Castillo Noriega , Universidad de Guayaquil

Doctora en Educación, Universidad César Vallejo. Docente-investigador, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador.

Luis Humberto Bermudes Rugel, Universidad de Guayaquil

Master of TEFL, ESPOL. Docente-investigador, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador.


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