Social marketing and the promotion of health insurance, literature review

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Miriam Soledad Vilchez Rios
Flor Delicia Heredia Llatas


Governments seek universal health care to guarantee citizens equal treatment and improve health at the individual and group levels. Scientific articles were searched in databases such as Scielo, Science Direct, Google Scholar y Scopus. The search was limited to publications between 2019 and 2023 in Spanish or English, and freely available. As a result, social marketing is crucial to address public health problems and has been widely used for decades to change behaviors. It is concluded, social marketing promotes health, prevents disease and improves quality of life. It focuses on specific groups, understands needs, and analyzes external factors to generate change. It involves the public and institutions from different sectors through a multidisciplinary team. This has a positive impact on health programs and can influence the behavior of beneficiaries.


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How to Cite
Vilchez Rios, M. S., & Heredia Llatas, F. D. (2023). Social marketing and the promotion of health insurance, literature review. PODIUM, (44), 1–16.
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Author Biographies

Miriam Soledad Vilchez Rios, Universidad César Vallejo

Maestra en Gestión Pública – Universidad San Martin de Porres. Docente - investigador, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú.

Flor Delicia Heredia Llatas, Universidad César Vallejo

Doctora en Gestión Pública y Gobernabilidad, Universidad César Vallejo. Docente-investigador, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú.


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