Survey on Safety and Health at Work in Quito: occupational accidents

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Antonio Ramón Gómez García
Pamela Merino Salazar
César Espinoza Samaniego
Paúl Cajías Vasco


The objective of this article is to describe the occupational accident profiles from a socio-demographic and labor perspective through the results of the First Survey on Occupational Health and Safety Conditions conducted in Quito, Ecuador. The variables on work accidents included in the occupational health dimension are analyzed from the descriptive and inferential point of view (chi-square). 13% of the surveyed workers reported having suffered an accident at work in the last year, mainly men between the ages of 25 to 55 and more than 9 years in the company. Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing are the economic activities with greater occupational accidents. Men from the age of 35 years have greater accidents recidivism. The results of this first study show the need to formulate new policies on occupational safety and health.


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How to Cite
Gómez García, A. R., Merino Salazar, P., Espinoza Samaniego, C., & Cajías Vasco, P. (2018). Survey on Safety and Health at Work in Quito: occupational accidents. PODIUM, (33), 25–34.
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Antonio Ramón Gómez García, Universidad Internacional SEK

PhD en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Universidad de Málaga. Director del Programa de Investigación sobre Condiciones de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la  Universidad Internacional SEK-Ecuador. E-mail:


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