Through a university government: Case of Central University of Ecuador

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Nasser Alvarez Zamora
Jimena Aguirre
Marco Logroño


Given the vertiginous changes of society, Ecuadorian universities in general and the Central University of Ecuador (UCE) in particular, are obliged to face these challenges, for which it is necessary to start from their origins to understand their past, understand their present and above all, to project its future, from a broader, inclusive, democratic perspective, open to the dialogue of knowledge and knowledge. Therefore, the present work addresses the subject based on understanding, after a literature review, in the first instance the meaning of the governance approach, to then address some studies on university governance; later, a brief sketch of the origins and trajectory of the UCE is made, emphasizing the changes produced since the 1970s; general guidelines are also established, aimed at university governance in the UCE. To finally synthesize the main conclusions of the study and leave latent, mainly within the university community, the applicability of a model of university governance, developed from its core and that obeys especially a style of participatory management, since the problem no longer it is the governance of the institution, but the ability to govern of its actors.


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Alvarez Zamora, N., Aguirre, J., & Logroño, M. (2024). Through a university government: Case of Central University of Ecuador . PODIUM, (45), 71–86.
Scientific articles


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