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South America. The general objective was to determine the trends on transformational leadership for governance in South America 2020-2024. The specific objectives were proposed: Analyze the leadership trend in South America, identify successful cases of governance in South America, and describe how this type of leader could influence governance. Concluding that: Trends in South America are marked by charismatic and populist leaders mobilizing political support, demand for inclusive policies addressing historical inequalities, new generation of young leaders, environmental concerns, adaptation to political changes and use of digital platforms for communication and political mobilization. Notable cases of governance include Chile and Uruguay for their political stability and human development, Colombia for its progress in peacebuilding, Peru for overcoming crises with economic reforms, and Costa Rica for its democratic stability and progressive environmental policies. Transformational leadership would generate a significant impact by promoting profound changes in government structures, facilitating inspiring visions and encouraging active citizen participation, being essential to move towards more equitable, inclusive and prosperous societies in the region
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