Water Economic Valuation for Livestock Agricultural Production San Francisco River - Azuay

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Marco Antonio Piedra Aguilera
José Leonardo Vera Reino
Carlos Santiago Cabrera Proaño


The San Francisco River sub-basin has water deficit in circumstances of population growth, insufficient sanitation, and poor quality access roads. This research seeks to determine the valuation of the water usage employing a demand function of this resource in a productive approach and to establish the existing relation between the economic component and the hydric availability, since the water deficit has become one of the main arguments for environmental sustainability.   It was concluded that the zone generates production equivalent to 2.2 million dollars per year, having a water demand of 59 million m3/year, this means 0.04 cents for each cubic meter of water on site. This information was used to elaborate key strategies and to strengthen the water governance in the San Francisco River sub-basin.


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How to Cite
Piedra Aguilera, M. A., Vera Reino, J. L., & Cabrera Proaño, C. S. (2017). Water Economic Valuation for Livestock Agricultural Production San Francisco River - Azuay. PODIUM, (32), 61–74. https://doi.org/10.31095/podium.2017.32.5
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Marco Antonio Piedra Aguilera, Universidad del Azuay

Magíster en Administración de
Empresas, Universidad del Azuay.
Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias de
la Administración de la Universidad
del Azuay-Ecuador. E-mail:

José Leonardo Vera Reino, Universidad del Azuay

Magíster en Administración de
Empresas, Universidad Internacional
del Ecuador. Profesor de la Facultad de
Ciencias de la Administración de la
Universidad del Azuay-Ecuador.
E-mail: jvera@uazuay.edu.ec

Carlos Santiago Cabrera Proaño, Insigma

Magíster en Planificación y Gestión
Ambiental, Instituto UNESCO-IHE
Holanda. Gerente General en Insigma.
E-mail: santiagocabrerap@gmail.com.


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