Research, innovation: the development of Ecuadorian companies with universities
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship existing in research, innovation and development of Ecuadorian companies with Higher Education Institutions (IES). The research was exploratory, descriptive and analytical, applying a survey to 385 public and private companies in the provinces of Pichincha, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas and Santa Elena, to review experiences of liaison with IES in the execution of research projects; as well as, the investment made by countries in the region and their sources of financing. The results show (1) the need to transfer knowledge for business and social development, evidencing sectors that demand research for innovation, (2) it shows investment for research and innovation as a fundamental element to stimulate production, generation of employment and the creation of new ventures, (3) rescues the importance of linking the university with the company to generate development.
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