Role of the Organizational Psychologist in the management of Human Talent

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Luis Antonio Alvarez Silva
Barbarita María Estrella Marín
Silvia Margarita Rosas Baldeón


The purpose of this article is to describe the professional role of the Organizational Psychologist in the management of Human Talent. The information was obtained through a bibliographic review process that refers to the emergence of Psychology, and later to the development of Organizational Psychology, especially in the management of Human Talent. The development of the article is aligned to a systemic approach of the Human Talent area and the subsystems that usually characterize it. Additionally, an argumentative view of the function performed by the Organizational Psychologist in several Human Talent subsystems, aligned with the organizational strategy, achieving the mission and scope of the vision, is shown as a conclusion.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Silva, L. A., Estrella Marín, B. M., & Rosas Baldeón, S. M. (2018). Role of the Organizational Psychologist in the management of Human Talent. PODIUM, (33), 79–90.
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Luis Antonio Alvarez Silva, Instituto Tecnológico Superior Vicente Rocafuerte

Psicólogo Industrial, Universidad de Guayaquil. Docente del Instituto Tecnológico Superior Vicente Rocafuerte-Ecuador. E-mail:                                                  


Barbarita María Estrella Marín, Instituto Tecnológico Superior Vicente Rocafuerte

Licenciada en Administración y Supervisión Educativa, Universidad de Guayaquil. Docente del Instituto Tecnológico Superior Vicente Rocafuerte-Ecuador. E-mail:

Silvia Margarita Rosas Baldeón, Instituto Tecnológico Superior Vicente Rocafuerte

Licenciada en Publicidad y Mercadotecnia, Universidad de Guayaquil. Docente del Instituto Tecnológico Superior Vicente Rocafuerte-Ecuador. E-mail:


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