Meta-cognitive capacity in institutions of intermediate education
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This article purposes to analyze the meta-cognitive abilities of middle-fifth level students in institution of intermediate education in metropolitan area of the city of Santiago, in Chile. The research was supported, among other sources, by Caballero’s (2010) theoretical postulates, Woolfolk (2010), Castejón (2009), Crozier (2001), Hernán (2014). This study was meant to be non-experimental, transactional and descriptive. The study’s population was made up of a study group of 119 students of educational institutions that belong to the fifth grade of intermediate education of the Nuñoa Community. Results showed that students regard meta-cognitive abilities to be highly adequate for planning and for evaluation as well as for all individual meta-cognitive differences. It is, therefore, recommended that students´ meta-cognition capacities be strengthened in order to incentivate the use of teaching and learning devices in the process.
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