Business Process Management in the Public Sector

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Sergio Salimbeni Gandino


The need to improve productivity in the Public Sector of Argentina is what has given rise to this research project which is divided into two stages: a qualitative one and a quantitative one. The aim is to find the differences between Process Management in public and private environments, and the key success factors for implementation in the Government Administration. The focus of the study is mixed and from the perspective of Economic and Business Sciences. After this first phase, the prioritization of political factors over those of public interest, the lack of awareness of resource optimization, the oversizing of the structure, the overlapping of tasks and the lack of staff training have been highlighted as differences. As key factors for its implementation are validated a strong sponsor, adequate training and availability of internal personnel with experience in the subject.


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Salimbeni Gandino, S. (2019). Business Process Management in the Public Sector. PODIUM, (35), 69–86.
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Sergio Salimbeni Gandino, Universidad del Salvador

Ingeniero en Electrónica - UTN, MBA - USAL-Deusto, y un Ph.D. en Investigación Operativa - Atlantic University. Posee más de 40 cursos de perfeccionamiento técnicos y comerciales, realizados en Estado Unidos, Alemania y Francia. Jefe de las Cátedras de Dirección General y Teoría de la Decisión, y Director de Proyectos de Investigación en la Facultad de Cias. Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad del Salvador, Profesor Titular de Desarrollo de Productos en la Maestría USAL-SUNY, Director de la Cátedra Internacional de Gestión de Proyectos en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario - UNR, y Profesor Titular de la Maestría de Gestión de Proyectos de la UEES - Universidad del Espíritu Santo – Guayaquil, Ecuador.


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