Business expectations and the economic cycle in Ecuador 2007-2018

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Silvia Raquel Mejía Matute
Luis Gabriel Pinos Luzuriaga
Wazhington Bladimir Proaño Rivera
Jorge Bolívar Rojas Narváez


 The expectations that economic agents make about macroeconomic variables can be an important anticipatory mechanism of ups and downs in the economic cycle. The research question is: Is there then a causal relationship between business expectations and the economic cycle that allows predicting the behavior and the relationship between the two? Thus, it is sought to investigate whether the economic cycle is a determinant in the business expectation formation or viceversa, if expectations are a cycle determinant. To answer this question, verify the Granger causality test, then an Autoregressive Model and another of Autoregressive Vectors will be applied. It is concluded that for the Ecuadorian economy the economic cycle depends on business expectations because for each percentage point that increases business confidence in the previous quarter the production of the real period increases by 0.17%, therefore, expectations act as a mechanism for anticipate ups and downs cycle.


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How to Cite
Mejía Matute, S. R., Pinos Luzuriaga, L. G., Proaño Rivera, W. B., & Rojas Narváez, J. B. (2019). Business expectations and the economic cycle in Ecuador 2007-2018. PODIUM, (36), 1–22.
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Silvia Raquel Mejía Matute, Universidad del Azuay

Magíster en Economía con mención en Finanzas, Universidad de Cuenca. Docente e investigadora de la Universidad del Azuay – Ecuador.

Luis Gabriel Pinos Luzuriaga, Universidad del Azuay


Wazhington Bladimir Proaño Rivera, Universidad del Azuay


Jorge Bolívar Rojas Narváez, Universidad del Azuay



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