Psychometric Properties of a Civic Behavior Scale in Ecuador

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Fernando Alfonso Cedeño Alejandro
Cecilia Alexandra Portalanza Chavarria
Merlin Patricia Grueso Hinestroza


The purpose of this study is to present the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Civic Behavior Scale (CBS), a new instrument developed by the authors that measure the perceived civic behaviors of workers in an Organization from the perspective of their colleagues, their work team and their superior immediate boss. For this purpose, 340 workers of a Higher Education Institution in Ecuador, responded to the CBS. Confirmatory Factor analysis using structural equation modeling reveled that que questionnaire shows a high reliability (α=0.96) and convergent and discriminant validity and that can be used by researches and practitioners to assess civic behaviors in educational institution.


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How to Cite
Cedeño Alejandro, F. A., Portalanza Chavarria, C. A. ., Duque-Oliva, E. J., & Grueso Hinestroza, M. P. (2019). Psychometric Properties of a Civic Behavior Scale in Ecuador. PODIUM, (36), 103–118.
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Fernando Alfonso Cedeño Alejandro, Universidad de Guayaquil

Estudiante Doctorado en Educación, Universidad de la Habana. Docente e Investigador de la Universidad de Guayaquil – Ecuador

Cecilia Alexandra Portalanza Chavarria, Universidad Espíritu Santo

Doctora en Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad del Rosario. Docente e Investigadora de la Universidad Espíritu Santo – Ecuador

Edison Jair Duque-Oliva

Ph.D en Marketing. Profesor Titular, Escuela de Administración,  Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 

Merlin Patricia Grueso Hinestroza, Universidad del Rosario

Doctora en Psicología.  Profesora Titular, Escuela de Administración,  Universidad del Rosario, Colombia,


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