Strategic drivers for an Integrated Library Management System design

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Cristian Germán Hernández


The purpose of this study is to identify strategic drivers for an Integrated Library Management System design that would be applicable in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas private universities.  For this purpose, a structural analysis was used; this analysis was based on an expert panel´s criteria; the panel was established by K competition coefficients. Likewise, a depuration instrument was applied in order to increase driver selection rigor; later on, this instrument permitted the agreement level that existed between participants´ opinions and Kendall W statistical test, to be measured. Seven strategic drivers were identified in the Indirect Influences / Dependency Map; the seven strategic drivers concerned the most relevant findings. In conclusion, the neuralgic aspects to be considered are: parameterizable control, portability, infrastructure automatization, intuitive interface, strategic alignment, evolutionary capacity and offline presence control.


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Hernández, C. G. (2020). Strategic drivers for an Integrated Library Management System design. PODIUM, (38), 51–66.
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Cristian Germán Hernández, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Magíster en Planificación y Prospectiva Multisectorial, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales. Docente-investigador, Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Santo Domingo - Ecuador


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