Marketing, operations and supply chain interface: services strategies

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Andrea Navas Recalde
Janeth Castillo-Cáceres


The purpose of this research is to analyze the key activities and strategies in Marketing-Operations Management and Supply Chain AOCS (Spanish acronym) interactions, which are favorable for competitiveness. A literary review was carried out, with a comprehensive qualitative design, of scientific articles from 2009 to 2021, using open access, and other databases such as WOS, SCOPUS, SCIENCE DIRECT and EMERALD. The scope of the investigation was focused on: key activities and strategies in the marketing-AOCS interface (and its isolated interfaces), mechanisms for their coordination and effects on competitiveness, in services. It was concluded that the interface alignment mechanisms usually depend on the organization and its interactions with the market. In addition, the study concluded that there are no studies on marketing-AOCS interface; and that the possible synergies between marketing and other functions can generate greater competitiveness in the company due to the efficient alignment of this interface.


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Navas Recalde, A., & Castillo-Cáceres , J. . (2021). Marketing, operations and supply chain interface: services strategies . PODIUM, (40), 1–20.
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Author Biographies

Andrea Navas Recalde, UIDE

Máster en Administración de Empresas, Universidad de las Américas. Docente-investigador, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE)- Ecuador.

Janeth Castillo-Cáceres , UIDE

Máster en Administración de Empresas, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA). Docente-investigador, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE)- Ecuador.


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