Ethical leadership to strengthen an Organizational Culture in SMEs

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Marlon Santiago Leal Paredes
Byron Patricio Arias Ibarra


The objective of the research is to determine the impact of ethical leadership on the organizational culture in management of SMEs in Imbabura. To achieve this purpose, the personality traits of the ethical leaders and the characteristics of the organizational culture were identified. The research was developed with a quantitative and descriptive approach, with an explanatory study and a non-experimental cross-sectional design. For data collection, the ethical leadership and organizational culture questionnaires were designed. The results showed that SME employees perceive the personality traits of ethical leadership in SME leaders and that these traits have a positive and directly proportional correlation on the characteristics of the organizational culture. It is concluded that ethical leadership strengthens the organizational culture in SMEs.


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How to Cite
Leal Paredes, M. S., & Arias Ibarra, B. P. (2021). Ethical leadership to strengthen an Organizational Culture in SMEs. PODIUM, (40), 21–40.
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Marlon Santiago Leal Paredes, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Cotacachi

Doctor en Administración Estratégica de Empresas, CENTRUM PUCP. Docente-investigador, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Cotacachi- Ecuador.


Byron Patricio Arias Ibarra, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Cotacachi

Maestrante en Riesgos Laborales, UNIR. Docente-investigador, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Cotacachi- Ecuador.


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