Application of the experiential learning methodology in Higher Education.

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Verónica Alejandra Villarroel Henríquez
María Pía Gutiérrez Suárez
Daniela Valentina Bruna Jofré
Isidora Francisca Castillo Rabanal


An experiential learning methodology was used in the Psychology of Adulthood course, in the Psychology major of a Chilean university. The aim of this case study was for students to apply and put their knowledge into practice in a real, contextualized situation, and for this to impact on their in-depth learning. The implementation of this methodology was carried out by teachers and assistants during classes, tutoring and field trips, in which students had to execute a variety of activities and deliver a series of products. In general, positive results were observed regarding the students’ performance and the way in which they engaged with the context and their future role as psychologists. In conclusion, experiential learning is a valuable tool, which offers guidelines for its implementation in Higher Education and introduce students to their future professional roles.


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How to Cite
Villarroel Henríquez, V. A., Gutiérrez Suárez, M. P., Bruna Jofré, D. V., & Castillo Rabanal, I. F. (2021). Application of the experiential learning methodology in Higher Education . PODIUM, (40), 41–58.
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Verónica Alejandra Villarroel Henríquez, Universidad del Desarrollo

Doctor en Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Docente-investigador, Universidad del Desarrollo - Chile.

María Pía Gutiérrez Suárez, Universidad del Desarrollo

Magister en Psicología Clínica mención Psicoterapia Integrativa, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Docente-investigador, Universidad del Desarrollo - Chile.

Daniela Valentina Bruna Jofré, Universidad del Desarrollo

Doctor en Psicología. Universidad de Concepción.  Docente-investigador, Universidad del Desarrollo - Chile.

Isidora Francisca Castillo Rabanal, Universidad del Desarrollo

Maestrante de Psychology of Education, University College of London.  Docente-investigador, Universidad del Desarrollo - Chile.


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