The Journal INVESTIGATIO is a multidisciplinary journal of the Espiritu Santo University (UEES), which publishes original technical and scientific articles.The journal seeks to promote research and the internationalization of the knowledge that characterizes the knowledge society.Without being exclusive, the priority areas of the journal are Medical Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Agronomy, Computational Sciences, Science Education, Architecture and Civil Engineering.INVESTIGATIO has been in print since 2010 (electronically since 2014) and publishes one issue a year in March. It is indexed in Catalog 2.0 of the Sistema Regional de Información en Línea de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (LATINDEX), Repositorio de Recursos Académicos en Acceso Abierto del ISSN International Centre y la Unesco (ROAD), Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) and is a member of the official registration agency for digital object identifiers of the International DOI Foundation (CROSSREF); It is also registered in the Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR) and Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas (CIRC).
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Current Issue
No. 22 (2024): Edición especial noviembre
Equipo Editorial:
Editor General: Fernando Espinoza Fuentes, Ph.D
Co-Editor: Antonio Ramón Gómez García, Ph.D
Diagramación: Ing. Natascha Ortiz Yánez
Published: 2024-12-06