Percepción del Profesorado sobre los Textos utilizados en Establecimientos Educativos del Ecuador

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Wilson Rene Minchala Bacuilima
Cristina Alexandra Pulla Abad
Claudio Fernando Guevara Vizcaino


The present research seeks to know the way in which teachers value and perceive the teaching materials/books that are used for the teaching-learning process; For this case, the assessment of teachers who work in public institutions will be considered, regarding the books they use to teach their subjects, which have been provided by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador (MINEDUC).

The importance of this study lies in the potential of school textbooks to significantly influence curricular development and the achievement of educational objectives, thus guaranteeing equitable and quality education. In addition, it will be possible to know various opinions that allow for the promotion of a motivating and enriching learning environment, considering students as a priority and improving the educational resources available in educational establishments.

The research methodology adopted for this study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches through a form developed in Google Forms, composed of 27 questions, of which five allow for the collection of informative data about the participants, such as age range, sex, years of experience. teacher and the subject taught. The following 19 questions evaluate the perception regarding the textbooks delivered by the MINEDUC, using a Likert scale from 1 to 5. These questions address aspects such as the contribution of the book to the enjoyment of learning, the adequacy of content, the clarity of instructions and promotion of skills, among others. In addition, a question is included that qualifies, at a general level, the perception of the books, and two open questions that allow us to know the opinions regarding them. The sample for this study is stratified, non-probabilistic, focused on 51 teachers belonging to two specific educational institutions in Zone 6, Cuenca District 1, one located in an urban area and the other in a rural area.

The results obtained reveal a generally positive perception of the textbooks, with a notable percentage of teachers rating them as good/very good in various aspects. However, areas of improvement are also identified such as the need to integrate links to teaching resources, clarity of expressions, the incorporation of virtual classrooms and updating according to the different stages of student development, among others.


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How to Cite
Moscoso Bernal, S. A., Minchala Bacuilima, W. R., Pulla Abad, C. A., & Guevara Vizcaino, C. F. (2024). Percepción del Profesorado sobre los Textos utilizados en Establecimientos Educativos del Ecuador. PODIUM, (45), 1–14.
Scientific articles
Author Biographies


Electrical Engineer, Specialist in University Teaching and Master in Business Administration with a mention in Project Management and Direction from the Catholic University of Cuenca, Master in Physics Learning from the National University of Chimborazo, Master in Quality Management and Innovation from the International University of Ecuador (UIDE), Master in Renewable Energy from the European University of the Atlantic (Spain), Doctorate at the Austral University, Inter-American Open University and University of Río Negro in the Doctorate Program in University Higher Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Doctoral Candidate at the National University of Cuyo of the Doctorate Program in Engineering. Director of the Department of Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Catholic University of Cuenca; Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Software Engineering. ISO 9001:2015 International Auditor, peer evaluator of the Quality Assurance Council in Higher Education (CACES), educational auditor for the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, Consultant to the Quality Assurance Council (CACES), Accredited and categorized Researcher by Senescyt, Coordinator of the Educational Quality Management Laboratory (CIITT - UCACUE). Dean of the Academic Unit of Engineering, Industry and Construction of the Catholic University of Cuenca.

Wilson Rene Minchala Bacuilima, UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CUENCA

Systems Engineer and Master in Information Technology from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Technician of the Educational Quality Management Laboratory and Analyst of the Department of Systems Technology of the Catholic University of Cuenca. Author of several scientific articles in the area of management, quality and educational technology.


Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of Ecuador from the University of Azuay, Magister in Constitutional Law Mention Constitutional Procedural Law from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Legal Advice and Sponsorship in legal processes. Associate researcher at the Educational Quality Management Laboratory of the Catholic University of Cuenca. Author of several scientific articles in the area of management, quality and governance in higher education.

Claudio Fernando Guevara Vizcaino, UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CUENCA

Ing. David Gerardo Moscoso Montenegro

Ingeniero electrónico. Magíster en telemática. Asistente de investigación en el Grupo de Investigación en Hardware Embebido Aplicado (GIHEA) en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Cuenca. Experiencia en el diseño electrónico, desarrollo de hardware, la programación de firmware y software enfocado a la adquisición y análisis de datos. Desarrollador de varios sistemas embebidos y programas de cómputo dentro del ámbito educativo e industrial con la utilización de minería de datos, procesamiento digital de señales, modelado matemático y ciencia de datos incluyendo el aprendizaje automático.


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