Rotation in the Ecuadorian Public Administration 2012-2016 Organizational Learning Practices

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Irma Jara Iñiguez


The Ecuadorian public service has had major transformations and reforms in the last decade, as evidenced by the last report issued by the IDB (2015). However, in the area of ​​human talent management, there is no systematic and homogenous identification regarding rotation and personnel movements, as an aspect for the quality of service. Through this study a semiannual diachronic analysis is performed regarding the rotation of the servers of the Executive Function for the period 2012-2016; and, starting from the indices, a discussion is carried out in contrast to the actions established to facilitate the organizational learning towards the quality of the service. The existence of coherence in the actions undertaken is verified, nevertheless, it is observed that its development still does not accompany the tendency to improve the index of civil service development, specifically functional capacity.


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How to Cite
Jara Iñiguez, I. (2017). Rotation in the Ecuadorian Public Administration 2012-2016 Organizational Learning Practices. PODIUM, (32), 1–14.
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Irma Jara Iñiguez, Instituto de AltosEstudios Nacionales

PhD en Administración, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Profesora del Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales-Ecuador. E-mail:


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