Unversity futures in Ecuador: A postcolonial and liberal analysis

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Rodolfo Farfán Jaime


The government of Ecuador has strongly linked educational, social and economic developrnent with a counter hegernonic position against neo-liberal tendencies and a defence of lis roots and cultural patrimony. This article analyses university future in Ecuador under the Post-colonial model as possible and probable future, and proposes Uberal Education as an alternative, preferable future. There is also an analysis of how Ecuadorian Governrnent takes knowledge and education as a basis for economic and social development and proposes the alternative Liberal Education approach to counterbaiance sorne post colonial concerns mainly related with globalization. 


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How to Cite
Farfán Jaime, R. (2017). Unversity futures in Ecuador: A postcolonial and liberal analysis. PODIUM, (25), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.31095/podium.2014.25.3
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Rodolfo Farfán Jaime, Universidad Espíritu Santo

Doctor en medicina y cirugía, Magister en educación, especialista en cirugía general, Cursando doctorado en educación Univerasidad de Gasgow.


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